Just before school was to begin for the 2014-15 year I decided to do 10 days of mindfulness and meditation at Thai Plum Village located about 3 to 4 hours northeast of Bangkok. I wasn't quite sure about the thought of 10 days of silence, but again it wasn't something I had experienced, soooo... Why Mindfulness?
In recent years, mindfulness has been increasingly recognized internationally as a powerful tool to address the everyday challenges at school for both teachers and students. Research by the medical and scientific communities has provided evidence of the effectiveness of mindfulness in reducing stress, anxiety and depression, and in increasing emotional resilience, happiness, positive social behavior, and cognitive skills, all of which I could use.
Plum Village was founded by Vietnamese Zen Buddhist Master Thich Nhat Hanh. |
The practice at Plum Village helps weave mindfulness into all of our daily activities. In this way we practice silent meditation throughout the day, while eating, and working mindfully. Visitors participate in community activities such walking and sitting meditation as well as community work such as arranging the meditation halls, cleaning bathrooms, washing pots and other simple tasks as part of the daily practice of mindfulness. The monastery stay is to enjoy simple and peaceful living and thereby nurture your own inner growth by taking time to look deeply in order to transform oneself. Sensing a change in my life path, I am wondering, do I take the straight road or journey to the left or right?
Getting up at 4 am and beginning early morning walking meditation while it was still dark gave me lots of time to practice my silence... followed by sitting meditation. After 10 mindful movements to stretch and energise the body it was time to enjoy our vegan breakfast in silence. Then we had time to study, read and reflect before a incredible vegan lunch of fresh vegetables grown at the Practice Center. The rest of the day was spent with time for rest, mindful working and evening meditation before lights out for the night.
May you be always mindful of every magical moment in life.
Blessings from Thailand