Monday, April 30, 2012

Back to Shanghai

 The Thai Buddha statue greets the Chinese Quan Yin Goddess and you notice the differences in colors and also architecture in the temples.
We were back in China and I still had another month off from my school. First we celebrated Easter, and Aidan and Taylor enjoyed coloring and decorating eggs.  The next week was the Storybook Fair and parade at the boys school... more costumes! Aidan went as "Tin-Tin" with his dog Snowy and Taylor as "Woody" from Toy Story.

Sadly my China visa would soon expire and it was time for me to leave Shanghai and the cherry blossoms in full bloom. Time to return again to Thailand and my teaching...I will miss my super hero grandsons who will be businessmen before you know it. Well not really, they have a few years yet!
I am so blessed to have had the months of March and April to spend with with my grandsons, Aidan is 7, and Taylor is 4. They truly light up my life.       
Remember to light a candle for someone you love...Share your happiness

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